Aqbeż għall-kontentut

Diskussjoni utent:ToniSant

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Minn Wikipedija, l-enċiklopedija l-ħielsa

L-aħjar mod biex tagħmel kuntatt miegħi dwar dak li għandu x'jaqsam ma' mt.wikipedia huwa billi tħalli messaġġ hawn.

If you prefer to communicate in English, please feel free to leave a message on my en.wikipedia talk page instead.

Biex tipproponi paġna għat-tħassir minni bħala amministratur tal-Wikipedija bil-Malti uża l-mudell {{Ħassar}} jew {{Ħassar minnufih}} u l-paġna tidher hawn minn fejn titħassar skont il-bżonn.  Grazzi!

We sent you an e-mail[immodifika s-sors]

Hello ToniSant,

Really sorry for the inconvenience. This is a gentle note to request that you check your email. We sent you a message titled "The Community Insights survey is coming!". If you have questions, email

You can see my explanation here.

MediaWiki message delivery (d) 18:45, 25 Settembru 2020 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Problema fil-ħoloq[immodifika s-sors]


Tista' tħares naqra lejn Guy de Maupassant , Pubblikazzjonijiet f'ordni alfabetika. Dawn il-ħoloq suppost jeħduk għal Gutenberg press ktieb elettroniku imma ġew korrotti kollha. Forsi din mhijiex problema tagħna biss.


Leli Forte (d) 09:46, 9 Ottubru 2020 (UTC)[wieġeb]

@Leli Forte: Jidher li l-problema hija għax il-ħoloq jippuntaw lejn flok -- aktarx li intilef mill-Gutenberg Online Library. Apparti dan, min-naħa tal-Wikimedia hemm rakkomandazzjoni biex jintużaw sorsi li huma fuq Wikisource, meta m'hemmx aktar copyright fuq il-kitba, għax hekk ikunu ukoll fl-istess ekosistema tal-Wikipedija. --ToniSant (d) 16:04, 13 Ottubru 2020 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Tista' tħares lejn din ukoll jj. Grz.

Meridian Gaming

Leli Forte (d) 10:45, 13 Ottubru 2020 (UTC)[wieġeb]

@Leli Forte: u din 99% spam sofistikat għax anqas fuq en.wp ma tidher u wisq anqas fuq Wikidata. --ToniSant (d) 16:04, 13 Ottubru 2020 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Infoboxes minn Wikidata[immodifika s-sors]

Sami At Ferhat qiegħed joħloq infoboxes li jieħdu l-informazzjoni minn Wikidata u qiegħed idaħħalhom f'xi artikli. Il-problema hi li l-informazzjoni minn Wikidata hi bl-Ingliż. Ma nistax nikkunttjah, allura imblukkajtu sakemm inkunu nistgħu niddiskutuhom. Nistenna li xi ħadd li qiegħed jagħmel dawn l-affarijiet anke b'intenzjoni tajba għandu jiftaħ kont fuq il-wiki tagħna biex inkunu nistgħu nikkuntatjawh.

Leli Forte (d) 16:42, 26 Ottubru 2020 (UTC)[wieġeb]

@Leli Forte: Il-mod kif tidħol l-informazzjoni fuq il-Wikipedia minn Wikidata huwa xi ħaġa li ltqajt magħha waqt xi lagħat tal-Wikimedia fl-aħħar xhur. Fuq en.wp hemm diversi amministraturi u edituri kontra din il-prattika, u mhux minħabba kwistjoni ta' lingwa. Min-naħa tagħna, il-biċċa tal-lingwa faċli tissolva. Li jinketawni aktar huwa li Sami At Ferhat imblokkat għax ma jidihirx faċli nikkuntattjawh. Il-prassi tal-kont fuq il-wiki hija li l-kont huwa wieħed universali għall-proġetti kollha tal-Wikimedia. Ara hawn dwar hekk. Jiena se nipprova nagħmel kuntatt ma' dan l-utent kif ikolli naqra ċans, aktarx din il-ġimgħa stess. Ngħidlek kif inkun bqajt miegħu. Grazzi dejjem. --ToniSant (d) 13:54, 27 Ottubru 2020 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Infatti Sami At Ferhat ikkuntattjani u jien żblokkjajtu. Tista' tara il-korrispondenza bejnietna hawn:[1]
Leli Forte (d) 17:50, 27 Ottubru 2020 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@Leli Forte: Grazzi ta' dan! Intant qed nesplora naqra kif nistgħu nittraduċu (faċilment!) dawn l-infoboxes fuq Wikidata. Ħallejtlek nota fuq il-paġna ta' diskussjoni dwar Edward Caruana Dingli rigward din il-biċċa. --ToniSant (d) 18:04, 27 Ottubru 2020 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Bħala prinċipju m'għandi xejn kontra tagħhom, imma fil-prattika dawn min ħa jittraduċhom, ħa jibqgħu hemm għal snin u jkollna wiki nofsu bl-Ingliż u nofsu bil-Malti. Iżjed faċli niżvillupaw infoxes tagħna. Dak li jkun qed jikteb l-artiklu jkollu l-informazzjoni meħtieġa f'idejh u ma jkollux bżonn wikidata. Kultant naqta' qalbi.
Leli Forte (d) 19:27, 27 Ottubru 2020 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@Leli Forte: Nifhem sew il-frustrazzjoni tiegħek. Li qed tgħid int kollu minnu. Jidher, però, li hemm anke mod ieħor kif inħarsu lejha din. Ħafna mit-traduzzjonijiet ta' Wikidata darba jsiru. Qed nesplora u nesperimenta jien. Intant, per eżempju, għamilt ta' Raffaello u tista' tarha fuq il-verżjoni li ħassart int. X'taħseb? Probabbli mod differenti lejn naraw l-affarijiet. Irrid nara aktar xorta, sintendi, għax il-punt tiegħek validissimu, anke jekk il-Wikidata hija xi ħaġa dinamika u mhux statika u allura jekk nittraduċu darba, ngħidu aħna, "attakk tal-qalb" allura kull min jidher dan it-terminu fl-infobox tiegħu ikun diġa tradott u la rridu nittraduċuh mill-ġdid u wisq anqas indaħħluh manwalment. Jaf hemm lok ukoll ta' traduzzjoni mekkanika/awtomatizzata għal fuq Wikidata. Ma nafx biżżejjed għadni. Se nkompli nfittex u niskopri. Grazzi dejjem tal-paċenzja! --ToniSant (d) 19:45, 27 Ottubru 2020 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Grazzi għall-informazzjoni dwar il-Hackaton. Napprezza.—Leli Forte (d) 10:29, 3 Novembru 2020 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Hemm xi żball żgħir f'{{Infobox bijografija}}. Qed tagħti hekk fil-bidu }}. —Leli Forte (d) 19:09, 11 Frar 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Iva, @Leli Forte: dak għax l-infobox tal-bijografija għada mhux lesta sew bħala mudell biex tintuża regolarment. Fadal naqra xogħol sew xi jsir fuqha. Konna biss qed nipprovawha s'issa. Illejla stess Nevborg u jien konna qed nitkellemu ma' Scutajar dwar hekk. --ToniSant (d) 20:05, 11 Frar 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Grazzi ħafna. Skużani niffitak, ħu paċenzja bija. Fl-aħħar tal-infobox ta' Guy de Maupassant hemm Ġġieldu, din trid tiġi Iġġieled (meta kelma tkun waħidha tieħu l-i tal-leħen). —Leli Forte (d) 20:50, 11 Frar 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Tajjeb ħafna li għedtli dwar din! Ħallik milli tiskuża ruħek li qed tiffittani - dan huwa preċiżament kif nagħmlu mt.wikipedia aħjar milli hi. Grazzi lilek. ToniSant (d) 09:35, 12 Frar 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Teftufa oħra: Fl-infobox ta' Alphonse Daudet, naħseb Kunjomijiet trid tiġi Laqmijiet. —Leli Forte (d) 00:38, 13 Frar 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Il-propjetà tal-wikidata hawn hija Psewdonomu d:Property:P742. Jidher li din tiġbor fiha għad ta' varjanti wkoll: "pen name, stage name, nom-de-guerre, nom-de-amore, nome de guerre, code name, user name, known professionally as, heteronym, nom de plume, nom-de-plume, ring name, alias". Punt importanti hawn huwa li laqam jew nickname għandu propjetà differenti, li hija d:Property:P1449. Bħalissa P1449 mhux parti mill-infobox tagħna li tiġġenera l-Wikidata. -- ToniSant (d) 11:36, 13 Frar 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Qed jiġuni xi dubji dwar is-serjetà tal-informazzjoni fl-infoboxes mill-wikidata. Jekk inħarsu lejn Erwin Schrödinger pereżempju naraw li dan qatta' 17-il sena fid-Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies imma dan lanqas jidher biss taħt impjegaturi waqt li jidhru ħafna postijiet li forsi impjegawh għal ħames minuti. Naħseb l-infoxbox fil-wiki bl-Ingliż hi ħafna aħjar: [2]Leli Forte (d) 13:40, 14 Frar 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Qed nieħu gost tassew narak tipporva tifhem kif jaħdem Wikidata. Jien domt ftit biex fhimt, u fil-verità għadni nitgħallem ċertu affariejiet bażiċi f'kors dwar Wikidata li qed insegwi ma' Nevborg. Milli qed tgħid int mill-ġdid, iqumu żewġ punti: (1) Wikidata huwa wiki -- jekk tara xi ħaġa nieqsa/ħażina tista' żżidha/tirranġha, u (2) f'en.wp hemm numru kbir ħafna ta' edituri, amministraturi u voluntiera oħra li għandhom il-ħin u r-riżorsi jagħmlu prodott, kif qed tgħid tajjeb int, ħafna aħjar. Fuq en.wp iddeċidew li l-infoboxes ikompli jħaddmuhom manwalment għalissa, anke għax Wikidata għadu jiġi żviluppat. Aħna fuq mt.wikipedia għandna biss farka mir-riżorsi li hemm fuq en.wp, allura l-użu ta' infoboxes minn Wikidata huwa essenzjali għalina. U mhux biss infoboxes, skont jien, imma anke nebbieta ta' ċertu tipi, kif qed jiddiskutu fil-proġett meta:Abstract Wikipedia, magħruf ukoll bħala Wikifunctions. Però fadal ħafna xi jsir qabel naslu hemm. Grazzi dejjem! -- ToniSant (d) 09:39, 15 Frar 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Hekk hu, il-Wikidata huwa wiki, u m'hemmx dubju li se nsibu ħafna każijiet ta' informazzjoni nieqsa jew mhux korretta fil-Wikidata wkoll. Naħseb tajjeb li niddedikaw ftit ħin u riżorsi biex nikkoreġu dawn in-nuqqasijiet fejn insibuhom. Biex nagħti eżempju, bħal ma qal tajjeb Leli Forte, fil-Wikidata ta' Erwin Schrödinger id-Dublin Institute of Advanced Studies ma kienx imniżżel bħala impjegatur. Dħalt fil-Wikidata u żidtha, ħalli tidħol fl-infobox. Tajjeb ngħidu li din se tgħin mhux lilna biss, imma lil kull min juża l-Wikidata fil-futur (wikis ta' pajjiżi oħra żgħar, per eżempju), u x-xogħol li jagħmlu huma fuq il-Wikidata se jgħin lilna. --Nevborg (d) 10:07, 16 Frar 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Irfinar għall-Mudelli tar-Referenzi[immodifika s-sors]

Bdejt naqra fuq kif nistgħu ndaħħlu l-funzjonijiet tal-Autogenerate u r-Reuse fil-VisualEditor (li s'issa mhumiex maqlubin bil-Maltin). Daħħalt eżempju żgħir fil-mudell ta' Ċita ktieb, imma jeħtieġ li noħolqu paġna bil-mapping bejn il-mudelli tar-referenzi u citoid. Hemm eżempju fuq Wikipedia bl-Ingliż hawnhekk. --Scutajar (d) 20:29, 11 Novembru 2020 (UTC)[wieġeb]

@Scutajar:Tajjeb wisq! Jiena ħloqt din ibbażata fuq din bid-differenza li Ċita ktieb/web/aħbar/pubblkazzjoni ġew tradotti. Jidher pero li fuq mt.wikipedia m'għandnix l-ekwivalenti ta' dan. Qed nifhem sew jien li għandna bżonnu dan? Inħalli f'idejk biex tkompli aktar? Kellimni fejn ikun hemm bżonn xi ħaġa direttament mingħandi, sintendi. Intant ir-reuse tar-referenzi jidher li qed jaħdem però għadni ma pprovajtux sew. Grazzi ħafna! --ToniSant (d) 14:48, 13 Novembru 2020 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@ToniSant: It-tliet mudelli li kien għad fadal għar-referenzi (Ċita web, ċita aħbar, u ċita pubblikazzjoni) żidtilhom id-data li kellhom bżonn biex jaħdmu mal-AutoGenerate fil-VisualEditor. Ippruvajthom kollha u jaħdmu sew! --Scutajar (d) 20:56, 17 Novembru 2020 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@Scutajar: Grazzi u prosit tassew! Se nipprovaw inħaddmuhom u jekk ma tisma' xejn aktar dwarhom tista' tassumi li kollox sew. Ċert li numru ta' nies mill-komunità se jifirħu tassew b'dan l-iżvilupp. --ToniSant (d) 10:32, 18 Novembru 2020 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Il-funzjoni tal-Autogenerate għandu jerġa' jaħdem issa għal siti fuq l-Internet. It-TemplateData mhuwiex komplut, imma hemm dawk il-parametri li hemm bżonn biex jaħdem l-AutoGenerate. Ippruvajt ma' artiklu mit-Times of Malta u jaħdem! —Scutajar (d) 21:11, 4 Marzu 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

@Scutajar: Grazzi ħafna! Issa naraw hemmx xi kummenti mingħand Utent:Trigcly u/jew Utent:EnriqueTabone u/jew Utent:Nevborg. :-) -- ToniSant (d) 21:15, 4 Marzu 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@Scutajar: Kollox qed jaħdem sew issa. Ħaġa żgħira li nnutajt hi li l-mudell tal-ġenerazzjoni awtomatika qiegħed “bl-+il-lingwa”, jiġifieri tiġi tajba meta l-URL ikun “bl-Ingliż” imma tibqa' hekk anke bl-Taljan, bl-Ġermaniż, eċċ. Forsi tista' tneħħi bl- għal-lingwi kollha u tinftiehem xorta. --Trigcly (d) 09:39, 5 Marzu 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@Trigcly: Hekk hu, għandek raġun. Għandi bżonn nikteb xi code biex nirranġa l-problema u kollox għandu jissolva waħdu. Ippreferejt li nagħti priorità lill-mudelli l-oħra ta' ċitazzjoni li qed nużaw bħalissa, imma bi ħsieb li naħdem fuqha meta nlesti! :) —Scutajar (d) 10:08, 5 Marzu 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Kemm navża li ċertu kategoriji ta' manutenzjoni għall-mudelli taċ-ċitazzjoni (bħal per eżempju Kategorija:CS1 sorsi bil-lingwa Ingliż (en)‎ u Kategorija:CS1 sorsi bil-lingwa Taljan (it)‎ kapaċi jinbidlilhom isimhom meta nirranġa l-problema tal-artiklu ;) —Scutajar (d) 12:33, 20 Marzu 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Mill-mudelli ta' ċitazzjoni, fadalli naħdem fuq Mudell:Ċita pubblikazzjoni. Taħseb li għandu jinbidel l-isem għal ċita rivista jew ċita ġurnal? Inħoss li l-isem bħalissa huwa naqra vag. —Scutajar (d) 13:42, 20 Marzu 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

@Scutajar: iva, naħseb li Ċita revista jkun aħjar minn Ċita ġurnal biex ma jkunx ambigwu vis-a-vis Ċita aħbar. Grazzi! -- ToniSant (d) 14:26, 20 Marzu 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@ToniSant: Kemm navżak li żidt il-mudelli ċita rivista, ċita teżi, u ċita konferenza. It-TemplataData u s-citoid ta' dawn il-mudelli huma kollha lesti ħlief għall-aħħar wieħed. Għandu jitneħħa l-mudell ċita pubblikazzjoni, u għandhom jiżdiedu dawn il-mudelli l-ġodda fil-VisualEditor (konna żidnihom minn hawn). Għada bi ħsiebni nżid ċita enċiklopedija ukoll. Bdejt ndur xi artikli li għandhom xebgħa problemi biċ-ċitazzjonijiet u nbiddilhom kollha (ħafna minnhom qas jużaw mudell ta' ċitazzjoni, imma ref biss). Meta jiżdiedu dawn il-mudelli kollha fil-VisualEditor għada, nikteb post fil-Pjazza biex navza lil kulħadd li għandna dawn il-mudelli ġodda, u li jien qed indur iċ-ċitazzjonijiet kollha. Min jista' jgħini merħba bih. —Scutajar (d) 21:21, 20 Marzu 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@Scutajar: Tajjeb wisq! Fejn jintuża ref biss idealment għandu jibqa jaħdem kollox kif inhu, sakemm iffurmat sew dak li hemm bejn tag u oħra ta' ref. Bil-mudelli fil-VisualEditor inkunu nistgħu naħdmu sew suppost, speċjalment bil-faċilità li niġġeneraw ċitazzjonijiet minn URL, ISBN, jew DOI eċċ. kif ukoll il-possibilità li nikkonvertu ċertu tipi ta' referenzi. Ħa naraw fejn naslu mal-avviz tiegħek fil-Pjazza fil-każ u mmexxu minn hemm. Grazzi ħafna! -- ToniSant (d) 12:38, 21 Marzu 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@ToniSant: B'kollox għandna dawn il-mudelli għal ċitazzjoni: Mudell:ċita aħbar, Mudell:ċita enċiklopedija, Mudell:ċita konferenza, Mudell:ċita ktieb, Mudell:ċita rivista (li ġiet flok ċita pubblikazzjoni), Mudell:ċita teżi, Mudell:ċita web, u Mudell:ċitazzjoni (b'redirect ukoll minn ċita). Qed inlesti t-TemplateData u s-citoid tal-mudelli ġodda li żidt, u meta jitranġa l-JSON file tal-VisualEditor, nitfa' l-post. Grazzi :) —Scutajar (d) 12:45, 21 Marzu 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Kemm inżid ukoll li l-JSON ma nistax inbiddlu jien, naħseb admins biss għandhom aċċess għalih. —Scutajar (d) 12:48, 21 Marzu 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@Scutajar: Iva, sew qed tgħid dwar JSON. Issa nkellmek privatament filkaż. Grazzi. -- ToniSant (d) 13:51, 21 Marzu 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Hello and Happy New Year![immodifika s-sors]

Hello, I am sorry I can't speak Maltese; I wish I could. I wish you and all your people a happy new year, hoping that 2021 will be a much better and safer year for everyone. My name is Claudi Balaguer/User:Capsot, and I write this message because we are about to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Catalan Viquipèdia soon and I would be honored and pleased to have some Maltese people participate and say something in your language in a short video. The videos would have a duration of a maximum of 15 seconds, and you can say whatever you want in Maltese about the Wikipedia or the Catalan/Maltese historical relationships or what you deem interesting and end with "Bon aniversari" and/or "per molts anys" in Catalan. You can choose the background you feel more appropriate too, and I wish you could let us see some beautiful places or monuments of your country (a beautiful one!). I hope to hear from you; I will tell you more soon should you be interested. Claudi/Capsot (d) 15:15, 10 Frar 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Lista ta' Infoboxes[immodifika s-sors]

Kif int Toni? Tista' tfakkarni kif insib il-lista tal-infoboxes fuq mt.wikipedia. Kont naf imma insejt!

Grazzi u tislijiet.

Leli Forte (d) 21:57, 6 Lulju 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

@Leli Forte: Jien mhux ħażin, grazzi. :-) Nittama li int ukoll. Mhux ċert hux qed nifhem il-mistoqsija sew. Jekk qed tgħid għall-infoboxes li jinġibdu minn Wikidata, dawn jaħdmu biss għall-bijografiji attwalment. Utent:Scutajar kien se jiffoka ftit fuq dawn il-infoboxes miġbuda mill-Wikidata, kif jeħles mix-xogħol prinċipali fuq il-mudelli tar-referenzi. Se nara nkellmux dwar hekk. Per eżempju, Utent:Trigclyjixtieq ħafna li niżviluppaw infobox bil-wikidata għall-postijiet.
Jekk qed tgħid għall-mudelli tal-infoboxes li kellna qabel Wikidata, allura dawk issibhom hawn għax ma naħsibx li kienu ġew ikkategorizzati kif suppost. -- ToniSant (d) 10:34, 7 Lulju 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@ToniSant: Le qed nirreferi għall-infoboxes lokali. Kelli bżonn "Infobox ktieb" imma insejt kif insibu (jekk hemm).
Leli Forte (d) 15:19, 7 Lulju 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@Leli Forte: Skont hawn m'għandnix infobox għal ktieb. Tkun utli, sintendi, speċjalment b'transclusion minn Wikidata statements. Fil-verità naħseb li għandna bżonn niżviluppaw l-ewwel hija lista bħal din.
Interessanti li fil-Franċiż hemm perspettiva differenti ħafna vis-a-vis l-użu tal-Wikidata f'dawn infoboxes. Ara hawn. -- ToniSant (d) 15:50, 7 Lulju 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Hello Please delete this article as the article does not indicate notability thank you. Sakura emad (d) 15:02, 31 Ottubru 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

This article has now been deleted four times. -- ToniSant (d) 14:33, 3 Novembru 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

S 23:24, 26 Novembru 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Mudell:Dati pajjiż Saint Lucia[immodifika s-sors]

Hello, can you delete this article that I have just created because I have just realized that it already exists. John 66000 (d) 20:28, 29 Diċembru 2021 (UTC)[wieġeb]

How we will see unregistered users[immodifika s-sors]


You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.

When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.

Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.

If you have not seen it before, you can read more on Meta. If you want to make sure you don’t miss technical changes on the Wikimedia wikis, you can subscribe to the weekly technical newsletter.

We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.

Thank you. /Johan (WMF)

18:18, 4 Jannar 2022 (UTC)

Qerda tal-innoċenti[immodifika s-sors]

Hi Toni Sant! Jimporta tispjegali jekk jgħoġbok għalfejn ħassartli l-edit tiegħi, fit-tnax ta' Jannar ta' din is-sena?!? Skond Mattew, vers 16, Erodi ordna l-qtil tat-"tfal subien kollha ta’ minn sentejn ’l isfel". Għalhekk l-edit tiegħi kienet tajba (waqt li l-annulament tal-edit tiegħi kienet skorretta). Jaqaw għandek xi Bibbja b'verżjoni differenti inti? 😛

Inċidentenalment, nista' nistidnek biex tkun parteċċipi fuq il-pjataforma soċjali tagħna: Inkun ferm unorat jekk tissieħeb magħna fuq din il-pjataforma (, Toni.

 Joe Gatt (d) 18:47, 24 Jannar 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Hello @Joe Gatt - grazzi ħafna tan-nota tiegħek u grazzi akbar tal-kontribuzzjonijiet tiegħek fuq il-Wikipedia, apparti l-Wikipedija bil-Malti. Il-kontribuzzjoni riċenti tiegħek fuq l-artiklu Qerda tal-innoċenti kienet tajba u jiena ma neħħejtix minħabba l-kontenut tal-kontribuzzjoni. Jidher li kien hemm xi anomalija teknika fl-edit li għamilt int (aktarx mhux tort tiegħek -- tant li jien stess ma stajtx nifhem x'qed jiġri) u dan kiser il-kumplament tal-paġna; dan jidher mill-kronoloġija, u jiena stajt ħallejt nota aħjar minn sempliċi "x'qed jiġri?" - skużani. Allura li għamilt jien, wara li neħħejt l-edit tiegħek biex nerġa' nġib l-artiklu kif kien mill-perspettiva teknika, kien li daħħalt il-kontribuzzjoni tiegħek mill-ġdid. (Din mhux kwistjoni ta' x'verżjoni ta' Bibja wieħed jirreferi għaliha hawn, żgur!) Il-bidla tiegħek kienet intenzjonata biex issewwi anomalija fuq l-età tal-innoċenti. Din sew tidher issa. Hux hekk?
Grazzi tal-istedina biex nipparteċipa fuq Nittama li nsib ċans nesplora dik il-pjattaforma xi mument. ToniSant (d) 19:09, 24 Jannar 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Stramba l-affari Ton, fuq l-iskrijn tiegħi kollox deher sew -- kull ma kont għamilt kien li biddilt "ta' taħt tliet snini" għal "ta' taħt sentejn" ! Intant nittama li ssib fit ċans fi żmien qarib. 😊 Joe Gatt (d) 15:40, 8 Frar 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Feminism and Folklore 2022 has ended, What's Next?[immodifika s-sors]

Please help translate to your language

Dear ToniSant,

Feminism and Folklore 2022 writing competition has ended. We thank you for organizing it on your local Wikipedia and help in document folk cultures and women in folklore in different regions of the world on Wikipedia. What's next?

  1. Please complete the jury on or before 25th April 2022.
  2. Email us on the Wiki usernames of top three users with most accepted articles in local contest.
  3. You can also put the names of the winners on your local project page.
  4. We will be contacting the winners in phased manner for distribution of prizes.

Feel free to contact us via mail or talkpage if you need any help, clarification or assistance.

Thanks and regards

International Team
Feminism and Folklore

--MediaWiki message delivery (d) 16:19, 6 April 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Hi Toni,
Requesting you to provide above information so we can start prize distribution.
Please get in touch with me if you need and help or clarification,
Tiven2240 (d) 12:16, 16 Mejju 2022 (UTC).[wieġeb]
Thanks @Tiven2240! I will consult the local affiliate coordinator shortly and we'll email you the required information within the next couple of days. -- ToniSant (d) 17:18, 17 Mejju 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Thanks for organizing Feminism and Folklore[immodifika s-sors]

Dear Organiser/Jury

Thank you so much for your enormous contribution during the Feminism and Folklore 2022 writing competition. We appreciate your time and efforts throughout the competition to bridge cultural and gender gap on Wikipedia. We are sending you a special postcard as a token of our appreciation and gratitude. Please fill out this form by July 20th 2022 to receive a postcard from us. We look forward to seeing you in 2023 next year.

Stay safe!

Gaurav Gaikwad.

International Team

Feminism and Folklore MediaWiki message delivery (d) 13:50, 10 Lulju 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Create some car manufacturer pages on Maltese Wikipedia[immodifika s-sors]

@ToniSant Hi, since you are a native Maltese speaker please can you create some pages for different car manufacturers on Maltese Wikipedia, at least the most important ones which are missing there. ThanksA TUZI (d) 20:30, 10 Ottubru 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Thank you for your request. I'm more than happy to support your contributions on this topic. I will not be creating any pages on this topic myself as my own priority list is rather long and includes other topics that are equally, if not more, relevant to my own encyclopedic interests. I'll look out for ways to help out with your own contributions. -- ToniSant (d) 10:09, 15 Ottubru 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Hi, dearest ToniSant, how are you?

I ask, 'please, 5 minutes of your time, if you can correct this new page I've opened in Maltese Wikipedia. I'll be pleased to help you in Italian and Portuguese. Thanks a lot and have a nice week end. Rei Momo (d) 09:27, 9 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Hi @Rei Momo - I have cleaned up the article you created in Maltese, as you requested. Thank you very much for your contribution. -- ToniSant (d) 12:38, 9 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Grazie mille for your important aid!!! Visit my site there are two pictures of me at Luqa Airport and at Sliema beach!!! Rei Momo (d) 13:59, 9 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Brazilian journalist Osvaldo Moles[immodifika s-sors]

Hi, dearest Toni, how are you? Here, perhaps, tomorrow will arrive snow!!!

Please, I'm asking you a last little work on this page, 4 minutes only. He was a great journalist and popular lyricist. Grazie mille for your importsnt aid, and see you soon. Rei Momo (d) 11:13, 12 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]

OK, done. -- ToniSant (d) 11:52, 12 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Grazie mille, have a nice day!!! Rei Momo (d) 12:20, 12 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Ciao ToniSant, how are you? Grazie mille for the visit on Joga a chave. See you soon Rei Momo (d) 11:57, 15 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Invitation to organize Feminism and Folklore 2023[immodifika s-sors]

Please help translate to your language

Dear ToniSant,

Christmas Greetings and a Happy New Year 2023,

You are humbly invited to organize the Feminism and Folklore 2023 writing competition from February 1, 2023, to March 31, 2023. This year, Feminism and Folklore will focus on feminism, women's issues, and gender-focused topics for the project, with a Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus and a folk culture theme on Wikipedia.

You can help Wikipedia's coverage of folklore from your area by writing or improving articles about things like folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, women and queer folklore figures, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch hunting, fairy tales, and more. Users can help create new articles, expand or translate from a list of suggested articles.

Organisers are requested to work on the following action items to sign up their communities for the project:

  1. Create a page for the contest on the local wiki.
  2. Set up a fountain tool or dashboard.
  3. Create the local list and mention the timeline and local and international prizes.
  4. Request local admins for site notice.
  5. Link the local page and the fountain/dashboard link on the meta project page.

This year we would be supporting the community's financial aid for Internet and childcare support. This would be provided for the local team including their jury and coordinator team. This support is opt-in and non mandatory. Kindly fill in this Google form and mark a mail to with the subject line starting as [Stipend] Name or Username/Language. The last date to sign up for internet and childcare aid from our team is 20th of January 2023, We encourage the language coordinators to sign up their community on this link by the 25th of January 2023.

Learn more about the contest and prizes on our project page. Feel free to contact us on our meta talk page or by email us if you need any assistance.

We look forward to your immense coordination.

Thank you and Best wishes,

Feminism and Folklore 2023 International Team

Stay connected  

--MediaWiki message delivery (d) 10:11, 24 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Wikipedia jew Wiktionary[immodifika s-sors]

Użajt il-kelma "qawwies" meta traduċejt "archer" ġo . Żidt paġna fuq Wikipedia imma m'iniex ċert għandhiex tiżdied ġo Wiktionary ukoll jew biss. ATM622 (d) 19:00, 31 Diċembru 2022 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Qabel xejn, grazzi ħafna tal-kontribuzzjonijiet tiegħek @ATM622! U grazzi akbar tad-diskussjoni. Huwa b'hekk li jkollna proġetti aħjar. Issa, skont Id-dizzjunarju t'Aquilina, archer huwa arċier jew qawwas. Ma nafx fejn sibt qawwies int, imma skont Aquilina din mhux il-kelma alternattiva għal arċier. Għaldaqstant, (1) se nirranġa l-wikidata li għamilt int, (2) se nneħħi l-artiklu bl-isem Qawwies. Dan l-aħħar punt importanti ukoll għax il-artiklu li hemm bżonn huwa wieħed bil-Malti għal Archery, għax dak donnu li huwa l-format ippreferit fl-enċikolopedija. Is-sena t-tajba! -- ToniSant (d) 11:43, 1 Jannar 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Niżżik ħajr. Qawwies naħseb qlajtha mill-Għarbi. Qawwaas - qawwies - mela Aquilina ġabha qawwas...imma l-a imtawla mingħalija...bħall-bewwies minn bews...ġewwież minn ġewż...ħalliel eċċ. Mhux ħa mmmeri 'l Aquilina imma! F'idejk!
Passatemp ġdid. Qed nieħu gost. ATM622 (d) 14:01, 1 Jannar 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]
L-artiklu dwar l-arċerija lest. Forsi nżid miegħu, imma għalissa koerenti u wikifikat sew
Is-sena tajba. ATM622 (d) 00:39, 2 Jannar 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Tajjeb wisq! Prosit u grazzi. Fejn teħel tiddejjaqx tiddiskuti. Is-sena t-tajba! -- ToniSant (d) 13:03, 2 Jannar 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Feminism and Folklore 2023 has been extended[immodifika s-sors]


Greetings Organizers,

Greetings from Feminism and Folklore International Team,

We are pleased to inform you that Feminism and Folklore an international writing contest on your local Wikipedia has been extended till the 15th of April 2023. This is the last chance of the year to write about feminism, women biographies and gender-focused topics such as folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, folk games, folk cuisine, folk wear, fairy tales, folk plays, folk arts, folk religion, mythology, folk artists, folk dancers, folk singers, folk musicians, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch hunting, fairy tales and more

We would like to have your immense participation in the writing contest to document your local Folk culture on Wikipedia. You can also help with the translation of project pages and share a word in your local language.

Organizers have been notified some instructions on mail. Please get in touch via email if you need any assistance.

Best wishes,

International Team Feminism and Folklore. --MediaWiki message delivery (d) 04:28, 30 Marzu 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Feminism and Folklore 2023 has ended, What's Next?[immodifika s-sors]

Please help translate to your language

Dear ToniSant,

Feminism and Folklore 2023 writing competition has ended. We thank you for organizing it on your local Wikipedia and help in document folk cultures and women in folklore in different regions of the world on Wikipedia. What's next?

  1. Please complete the jury on or before 15th of May 2023.
  2. Email us on the Wiki usernames of top three users with most accepted articles in local contest.
  3. Write the information about the winners on the projects Meta Wiki Results page
  4. You can also put the names of the winners on your local project page.
  5. We will be contacting the winners in phased manner for distribution of prizes.

Feel free to contact us via mail or talkpage if you need any help, clarification or assistance.

Thanks and regards,

International Team
Feminism and Folklore

Featured article[immodifika s-sors]

Hi! How are you? I would like to ask you what do I need to do in order to have Edgar de Wahl as a featured article. Thanks in advance. --Caro de Segeda (d) 06:16, 5 Mejju 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Hello @Caro de Segeda - thank you for contacting me. If you're referring to the Maltese-language Wikipedia, there are no featured articles within the structure of this language wiki. This was removed some time ago as mt.wikipedia does not have enough articles overall to warrant highlighting some as a featured article. Hopefully this will be reintroduced at some point in the future when there's a significantly larger number of articles to highlight. Keep up the great work! -- ToniSant (d) 11:07, 5 Mejju 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Thank you for your answer :) Caro de Segeda (d) 11:19, 5 Mejju 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Translation request[immodifika s-sors]


Can you create the article en:Laacher See, which is the third most powerful volcano in Europe after Campi Flegrei and Santorini, in Maltese Wikipedia?

Yours sincerely, Multituberculata (d) 09:11, 24 Ġunju 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Inkjesta importanti[immodifika s-sors]

għeżież tiegħi @ToniSant, Jien kontributur antik għall-proġetti tal-Wikimedia, u jien profiċjenti ħafna fil-lingwa Maltija, u dan l-aħħar sirt interessat ħafna fil-Wikipedija Maltija, u nixtieq niżviluppaha u nistabbilixxi policies u naġġorna ħafna affarijiet, iżda qed niffaċċja diversi problemi bin-nuqqas ta’ permessi.

Kif tista 'tgħinni b'dan? Osps7 (d) 00:00, 28 Ġunju 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Hello @Osps7 - skużani ma weġibtekx aktar fil-pront imma ma kellix wisq ċans nidħol online fl-aħħar jiem. Il-kontribuzzjonijiet tiegħek huma utli imma jidher li p-profiċjenza tiegħek tal-lingwa Maltija tiddependi kważi kompletament fuq Google Translate. Hemm utenti oħra li jużaw Google Traslate bħala għodda biex jikkontribwixxu fuq il-Wikipedija bil-Malti, imma normalment ikollkom profiċjenza aħjar milli, bir-rispett kollu, tidher li qed turi int fil-kontribuzzjonijiet tiegħek. Nissuġġerilek tkompli timxi ftit ieħor qabel tfttex li titlaq tiġri. Saħħa u grazzi mill-ġdid. -- ToniSant (d) 18:35, 2 Lulju 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Hi, dearest Toni, how are you?

Please, dou you have some minute to help me in correcting theese two small pages? I'll be pleased to help you in Italian and Portuguese when you'll nedd. Thanks a lot and have a ncie day. Rei Momo (d) 08:35, 6 Lulju 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Hello @Rei Momo - grazzi tal-kontribuzzjonijiet b'artikli dwar aspetti kulturali Brażiljani. Rajt iż-żewġ artikli li ħoloqt int, kif tlabtni, u naddafthom ftit. Mhux ħażin kif kienu, imma issa aħjar, anke hemm lok t'aktar xogħol fuqhom. Saħħa u grazzi mill-ġdid. -- ToniSant (d) 08:16, 7 Lulju 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Grazie mille per tutto quello che hai fatto, buon fine settimana!!! Rei Momo (d) 08:33, 7 Lulju 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Need your input on a policy impacting gadgets and UserJS[immodifika s-sors]

Dear interface administrator,

This is Samuel from the Security team and I hope my message finds you well.

There is an ongoing discussion on a proposed policy governing the use of external resources in gadgets and UserJS. The proposed Third-party resources policy aims at making the UserJS and Gadgets landscape a bit safer by encouraging best practices around external resources. After an initial non-public conversation with a small number of interface admins and staff, we've launched a much larger, public consultation to get a wider pool of feedback for improving the policy proposal. Based on the ideas received so far, the proposed policy now includes some of the risks related to user scripts and gadgets loading third-party resources, best practices for gadgets and UserJS developers, and exemptions requirements such as code transparency and inspectability.

As an interface administrator, your feedback and suggestions are warmly welcome until July 17, 2023 on the policy talk page.

Have a great day!

Samuel (WMF), on behalf of the Foundation's Security team 12:08, 10 Lulju 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Feminism and Folklore 2023 - A Heartfelt Appreciation for Your Impactful Contribution![immodifika s-sors]

Please help translate to your language

Dear Wikimedian,

We extend our sincerest gratitude to you for making an extraordinary impact in the Feminism and Folklore 2023 writing competition. Your remarkable dedication and efforts have been instrumental in bridging cultural and gender gaps on Wikipedia. We are truly grateful for the time and energy you've invested in this endeavor.

As a token of our deep appreciation, we'd love to send you a special postcard. It serves as a small gesture to convey our immense thanks for your involvement in the competition. To ensure you receive this token of appreciation, kindly fill out this form by August 15th, 2023.

Looking ahead, we are thrilled to announce that we'll be hosting Feminism and Folklore in 2024. We eagerly await your presence in the upcoming year as we continue our journey to empower and foster inclusivity.

Once again, thank you for being an essential part of our mission to promote feminism and preserve folklore on Wikipedia.

With warm regards,

Feminism and Folklore International Team.

--MediaWiki message delivery (d) 18:37, 25 Lulju 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Can you delete a version in the chronology of Aladdin Meier's article from December 21, 2022 at 5:33 p.m.? I will soon be publishing a book in which I deal with Nasserism, Afro-Asians and ethnology. The article Aladdin Meier then receives its sources and references. Proto-Semite (d) 21:58, 14 Settembru 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

@Proto-Semite: The article you are referring to is for a subject that is not notable and has also been removed from other language Wikipedias. It is not the version that will be deleted but the whole article unless references are added soon. In good faith, you are not being blocked as a user on this wiki. Thanks! -- ToniSant (d) 08:14, 15 Settembru 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@ToniSant:You can delete the article in the early future. I would be happy if you delete the version from December 21, 2022 at 5:33 p.m. could delete.

Hi, dearest ToniSant, how are you? Me I'm fine.

Please, can you access 3 minutes in this new page I've opened to correct my mistakes? I'll be pleased to help you in Italian and Portuguese.

Thanks a lot and have a nice week end Rei Momo (d) 08:00, 15 Settembru 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Grazie mille and see you soon!!! Rei Momo (d) 08:13, 15 Settembru 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Happy New Year and asking for help (suggestion to create new great article for Maltanese Wikipedia)[immodifika s-sors]

Happy New Year to You and your family my fellow collaborative friend

I have humble question to you, would not you mind to enjoy translate article on en:Milene Domingues into Maltanese Wikipedia? To be my honestly I have problem/trobule that I would very like to this woman has 15 language versions and so be quelified to Pantheon.World (currently the bio is 14 langauge versions so needed just one more). [3] - Then, we use the Wikipedia API to identify all biographies that have a presence in more than 15 language editions of Wikipedia. - Next ranking will be updaten on 2024 so we have just two days to d that things!.... I really believe that it is possible to find way to it article reahed level of 15 language versions. I am sorry for not speaking Maltanese at my first message here as I am not good in that. Would not you mind to be opened to help me just with that?

Happy New Year again

Dawid2009 (d) 16:48, 29 Diċembru 2023 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Invitation to Organize Feminism and Folklore 2024 Writing Competition[immodifika s-sors]

Please help translate to your language

Dear ToniSant,

Hope you are doing well, Wishing you a Happy New Year!.

We extend a heartfelt invitation to you to organize the Feminism and Folklore 2024 writing competition, which is scheduled to take place from February 1, 2024, to March 31, 2024. This year's edition of Feminism and Folklore will concentrate on feminism, women's issues, and gender-focused topics, aligning with a Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus and featuring a folk culture theme on Wikipedia.

This year we have created two new Tools for the Feminism and Folklore project. The tool is called Campwiz. This tool is created by the international Tech team of Wiki Loves Folkore especially crafted for Feminism and Folklore project. The tool works as same as fountain or dashboard but has extra abilities required for jury and submission of articles.

To create a new campaign on Campwiz, organizers to follow these steps:

  1. Go to the tool link:
  2. Select your wiki on which you want to organize the campaign (enter the name or short code, such as "mt" for Malti Wikipedija).
  3. Give your campaign a name example "Feminism and Folklore 2024 on Malti Wikipedija)".
  4. Select the start and end dates (note: keep your start date as Feb 1 and end date as March 31).
  5. Provide a description for your campaign (you can briefly describe the campaign in this section).
  6. Make sure to keep the checkboxes ticked for "Allow users to submit articles that were not created but expanded." if you want to use the campaign for expanded articles also.
  7. Keep minimum added bytes as 4000 and minimum added words as 400 and click next.
  8. In the jury section, keep the checkboxes ticked for "Allow jury members to participate in the campaign" and "Prevent jury members from seeing each other's votes." As per your preference.
  9. Under the jury search box, type the username of your jury and click on the "+" button to add; you can add multiple jury members.
  10. Click next to review and then click on save.

With this we have also created a Missing article tool. This tool identifies articles in the English Wikipedia that are absent from your native language Wikipedia. You can customize your selection criteria, and our tool will provide you with a table displaying the missing articles along with suggested titles. You also have the option to download the list in both CSV and wikitable formats.

Both tools, the Missing Article Tool and the Campwiz Tool, are now available for public use during the Feminism and Folklore campaign. You can find more information about these tools here:

There are also some changes in the rules and criteria's. Please go through the rules below.

  1. Minimum Length: The expanded or new article should have a minimum of 4000 bytes or 400 words, ensuring sufficient depth and coverage of the chosen topic. The local organizers are free to choose the minimum length criteria as per needs of their local Wikipedia and must be clearly mention on local project page.
  2. Language Quality: Articles should not be poorly machine-translated, ensuring that language quality and readability are maintained at a high standard.
  3. Timeline of Creation or Expansion: The article should be created or expanded between 1 February and 31 March, aligning with the specified contest timeline.
  4. Theme Relevance: Articles should directly address the theme of feminism and folklore, exploring connections between gender, cultural traditions, and intangible heritage.
  5. No Orphaned Articles: Articles must not be orphaned, meaning they should be linked from at least one other article to ensure visibility within the Wikipedia ecosystem.
  6. No Copyright violations: There should be no copyright violations, and articles should adhere to local Wikipedia policies on notability, ensuring that the content meets the standards for notability.
  7. Adequate references and Citations: Each article should include proper references and citations following local Wikipedia policies, ensuring the reliability and credibility of the information presented.

Learn more about the contest details and prizes on our project page here. Should you require any assistance, please feel free to contact us on our meta talk page or via email.

We eagerly anticipate your enthusiastic coordination and participation in Feminism and Folklore 2024.

Thank you and Best wishes,

Feminism and Folklore 2024 International Team

--MediaWiki message delivery (d) 06:51, 18 Jannar 2024 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Bongu ToniSant! Sorry to text you in English but I don't speak Maltese. Thanks for translating the page Unione Politica Maltese, but I was wondering why you chose to maintain the Italian name instead of the Maltese one, given that an official translation exist. Maybe I'm missing some context here, but I propose you move it to Unjoni Politika Maltija. Grazzi u l-lejla t-tajba.--LametinoWiki (d) 18:01, 15 Frar 2024 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Thank you for your note @LametinoWiki. The UPM was a pro-Italianite party, who lobbied the British colonial government not only for self-government but also for the Italian language (not Maltese!) to be made an official language of Malta. The official name of the party was in Italian, as can be seen from all official documents relating directly to them. From a Wikipedia perspective, a redirect for Unjoni Politika Maltija works better, so this is what I've done. I've also tried to capture this aspect in the lead paragraph about the article. How's that? -- ToniSant (d) 09:30, 16 Frar 2024 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Thank you for your exhaustive reply (and sorry about the edit, I should have contacted you before). Buona giornata! --LametinoWiki (d) 12:32, 16 Frar 2024 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Organising Feminism and Folklore[immodifika s-sors]

Hello Community Organizers,

Thank you for organising Feminism and Folklore writing competition on your wiki. We congratulate you in joining and celebrating our cultural heritage and promoting gender equality on Wikipedia.

To encourage boost for the contributions of the participants, we're offering prizes for Feminism and Folklore local prizes. Each Wikipedia will have three local winners:

  • First Prize: $15 USD
  • Second Prize: $10 USD
  • Best Jury Article: $5 USD

All this will be in gift voucher format only. Kindly inform your local community regarding these prizes and post them on the local project page

The Best Jury Article will be chosen by the jury based on how unique the article is aligned with the theme. The jury will review all submissions and decide the winner together, making sure it's fair. These articles will also be featured on our social media handles.

We're also providing internet and childcare support to the first 50 organizers and Jury members for who request for it. Remember, only 50 organizers will get this support, and it's given on a first-come, first-served basis. The registration form will close after 50 registrations, and the deadline is March 15, 2024. This support is optional and not compulsory, so if you're interested, fill out the form here.

Each organizer/jury who gets support will receive $30 USD in gift voucher format, even if they're involved in more than one wiki. No dual support will be provided if you have signed up in more than one language. This support is meant to appreciate your volunteer support for the contest.

We also invite all organizers and jury members to join us for office hours on Saturday, March 2, 2024. This session will help you understand the jury process for both contests and give you a chance to ask questions. More details are on meta page.

Let's celebrate our different cultures and work towards gender equality on Wikipedia!

Best regards,


MediaWiki message delivery (d) 05:56, 29 Frar 2024 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Paġna Immigrant Invest[immodifika s-sors]

Għażiż Toni Sant, Int ħassart il-paġna Tista’ jekk jogħġbok tgħidli x’jeħtieġ li jinbidel jew jiġi miżjud mal-paġna tal-kumpanija sabiex ikollha opportunità aħjar li tiġi ppubblikata?

Company Immigrant Invest għandha l-fergħa tagħha uffiċjalment irreġistrata u stabbilita f’Malta u hija membru tal-programm statali “Programm ta’ Residenza Permanenti ta’ Malta” u “Iċ-Ċittadinanza Maltija permezz ta’ Naturalizzazzjoni għal Servizzi Eċċezzjonali b’Investiment Dirett”. Il-kumpanija hija detentur tal-uffiċjal -

L-informazzjoni ppreżentata fl-artiklu hija maħsuba għal skopijiet ta’ informazzjoni biss, mingħajr implikazzjonijiet ta’ reklamar. L-utenti spiss ifittxu informazzjoni dwar Company Immigrant Invest fuq l-Internet u fl-opinjoni tiegħi huwa ta’ benefiċċju għall-utenti li jkunu jistgħu jiksbu din l-informazzjoni dwar il-kumpanija minn sorsi indipendenti, b’mod partikolari Wikipedia. Il-kumpanija ssemmiet fuq ir-riżorsi li ġejjin: VykotyRassel (d) 09:16, 12 Marzu 2024 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Grazzi tan-nota tiegħek, @VykotyRassel. It-tweġiba għall-mistoqsija tiegħek hija li l-Wikipedija hija enċiklopedija u mhux sit għall-promozzjoni ta' kumpaniji kummerċjali, anke jekk il-kitba, skont int, hija għal skopijiet t'informazzjoni biss. L-informazzjoni dwar din il-kumpanija mhux enċiklopedika u/jew mhux notevoli fil-linji gwida tal-Wikipedija, li tista' tara f'din il-ħolqa.
Li l-kumpanija tissemma f'sorsi bħal dawk li elenkajt int mhux biżżejjed. Dan apparti ukoll, li naħseb li int għandek interess dirett f'din l-kumpanija u allura dan imur kontra l-linji gwida tal-Wikpedija, li jidhru f'din il-ħolqa. Qed ngħid dan għax, bir-rispett kollu, ma jidhirx li għandek interess li ttejjeb il-Wikipedija imma li tikteb biss dwar din il-kumpanija li m'għandha ebda notevolità enċiklopedika.
Jekk verament tixtieq tikkontribwixxi dan dan is-suġġett fuq il-Wikipedija, allura ara tiktibx/tittraduċix artikli dwar is-suġġett/i li tmiss magħhom (per eżempju: ċittadinanza, immigrazzjoni, ċittadinanza doppja, passaport, residenza permanenti, eċċ.) bla ma tagħmel ebda referenza għal din il-kumpanija speċifika; jiġifieri fi spirtu enċiklopediku u mhux biex titwassal informazzjoni dwar kumpanija li kuntest tagħha għadu anqas biss ġie miktub/tradott fuq il-Wikipedija bil-Malti. Grazzi mill-ġdid. -- ToniSant (d) 12:36, 12 Marzu 2024 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Grammatika tal-Lingua Franca Nova‎[immodifika s-sors]

Hi, how are you? I am sorry for bothering you with this but I would like to ask you whether you could possibly revise that article that I have just finished translating. --Jon Gua (d) 07:27, 9 April 2024 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Hello @Jon Gua - grazzi tan-nota tiegħek u grazzi akbar tat-traduzzjoni li għamilt tal-artiklu dwar il-Lingua Franca Nova. L-akbar problema li hemm b'dan l-artiklu hija komuni fil-verżjonijiet tal-lingwi l-oħra ukoll, u dan huwa n-nuqqas ta' referenzi għal dan il-kontenut kollu. Fil-każ tal-verżjoni bil-Malti anqas hemm dik ir-referenza waħda li tidher per eżempju fil-verżjoni bl-Ingliż jew bit-Taljan tal-istess artiklu. Taħseb li tista' tagħmel xi ħaġa dwar dan? Grazzi mill-ġdid! -- ToniSant (d) 11:26, 9 April 2024 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Iva, l-idea tiegħi hi li l-ewwel inġib l-artiklu rivedut u mbagħad, ladarba nafu li m'hemmx żbalji, inżid ir-referenzi, għax personalment insibha diffiċli ħafna biex nikkoreġi meta jkun hemm kodiċi bejn il-kliem. Jon Gua (d) 12:55, 9 April 2024 (UTC)[wieġeb]
@Jon Gua: tajjeb ħafna! Intant jien naddaft ftit l-ewwel paragrafu u daħħalt xi ħoloq biex l-artiklu jibda jiġi wikifikat aħjar. Se nagħti workshop lil xi studenti fl-Università ta' Malta propju dwar il-wikifikazzjoni tal-artikli xi ħmistax oħra, kumbinazzjoni. Nhar il-Ħamis li ġej 10am CEST. Jekk tixtieq/tista' tattendi, iktibli nota permezz t'email u ngħaddilek id-dettalji. -- ToniSant (d) 13:52, 9 April 2024 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Sfortunatament, bejn din il-ġimgħa u l-ġimgħa d-dieħla se nkun qed noqgħod immur f’dar oħra, allura ma jkolli ħin għal xejn. Dik hija waħda mir-raġunijiet li kont qed nipprova nispiċċa nittraduċi dak l-artiklu kemm jista’ jkun malajr. Grazzi ħafna għall-offerta tiegħek għalkemm. Jon Gua (d) 13:59, 9 April 2024 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Jiddispjacini li ndejqek imma ridt nistaqsik jekk l-artiklu hux miktub bil-Malti korrett. Jon Gua (d) 08:58, 14 April 2024 (UTC)[wieġeb]
Ma ddejjaqnix @Jon Gua, anzi huwa hekk li ntejjbu l-Wikipedija. Sinċerament, li ktibt int jidher ċar li huwa miktub minn xi ħadd li għalih il-Malti mhux lingwa nattiva.Jinħass differenti ukoll minn kitba li tkun tadotta biss, per eżempju, bil-Google Translate. Xorta waħda hemm preġju fil-kontribużżjoni tiegħek. Ħadd ieħor, forsi anqas jien, jaf jidħol u jirranġa l-kitba tiegħek biex tkun anke aħjar milli diġà hi. Grazzi! -- ToniSant (d) 09:05, 14 April 2024 (UTC)[wieġeb]
It-test bl-Ingliż qiegħed hawn, jekk dan jgħin. Jon Gua (d) 09:16, 14 April 2024 (UTC)[wieġeb]

Ciao, carissimo ToniSant, come stai? Io bene.

Ho appena aperto questa nuova pagina e ti chiedo, per favore, se avessi cinque minuti per correggerla. Grazie mille per il tuo prezioso aiuto, ricordati che sono disponibile ad aiutarti in Italiano e Portoghese.

A presto Rei Momo (d) 07:09, 6 Ġunju 2024 (UTC)[wieġeb]